About 40 students studying at the Civil Engineering Department of Bulent Ecevit University in Ereğli, Ölmez Çelik Mühendislik, who is in the Black Pine, visited the construction company and examined the production activities on site.
In the study accompanied by Ölmez Çelik Mühendislik, General Manager of Construction Company Ahmet Ölmez and Mehmet Ölmez, the students were informed about the productions made in the factory, production technologies and ongoing projects.
Providing information about the visit, Ölmez Çelik Mühendislik İnşaat Ltd. Şti. General Manager Ahmet Ölmez said that the information given to students on steel construction, construction projects and applications provides significant benefits.
Ölmez Çelik has been operating as a company that has been performing a wide variety of applications in the industrial field since 1986.